Who we are!
we are a collective of queers working together to increase the vitality of the queer community in Olympia by organizing and advertising queer events and building relationships with queer allies with the hope of creating more safe welcoming spaces for queers within the boarder Olympia community.
That's right Oly Queer Center is going tubing down the Dechutes River.
When: This Saturday (7/19), 12noon
Meet: @ Vita, 124 E. 4th St. (Downtown Olympia)
What you need: tubes, sandals or shoes you can wear while you float down the river, and sunscreen! tell your friends, lets queer up the river!
A. Dream 1st year – community events, party, awareness generations (dinner, etc)2nd year- Fund Development3rd year- Rental Space4th year- Establish partnerships with the community, mutual back scratcher5th year- Realestate investment6th year… Community Center- classes, music, pool, movies, library (free), clothing (free), stewardship, Queer Store, Internet, Porn, % of profit for?Dream Vision for Queer Center Five year planPhysical…A space for all queers and allies to feel safe to visit, create community, plan and organize events, seek help, offer services, grow and learn. Hotline, music, art, youth, older queers, events, exposure, education, prevention, council, queer parent groups, library, zines, espresso coffee, coop, job boards…Dream VisionQueer Space!- Community center that is open for queer groups to organize- regular events- kind of like traditions but gayer- educational ( mini library, community bulletin board)- support groups- clinics (leagal, med, etc.)- workshops- different levels of memberships- drop in, regular participants, volunteers (short/ long term) staff, board, partnershipsDream VisionMy dream for the Oly QC is on of sustainable community, which in some way makes me hesitant to jump into something like a space as goal w/out having community first or some varity. I envision a place where events (sporting, art, movies, get togethers) and activism are both important and where we can all feel safe to be ourselves. I think I envision this as a place where queers and allies from all generations can be a part of this and I wonder a lot about how to pull in that intergenerational connection, I envision a place with resources…Big dreams: Walking in @ 9pm and a library, somebody welcoming at the door, youth are having a late night space and mentors, different groups meeting each night, a kitchen, a bulletin board or posing of events, a security net, continuous outreach, resources, being a resource for the community, events, classes. Sponsoring Oly Queer Center nights @ different restaurants, spaces either to get to know folks or to fundraise, network. Intergetnerational conversations. Its cool to hear long term 3 year plan.Dream Vision:Big space where we can do anything everything (old library building). Us helping other organizations, renting out space, coordinating stuff, big queer co-op of groups, classes, meetings, fun activities, resource for everything queer related in Oly, space not that hard?Dreams for Oly Q CenterMy dreams for the Olympia Queer Center would be an informational hub where queer s could come to find out about things that are happening in the community. More that just a physical space my dream denter would be a coalition of queers and allies working together on developing community with the Queer Oly Community….BBQ and summer outings, fundraisers, volunteer days , are space, art workshops, queer library, legal support, advocacy, workshops around health and education, pooltable, queer family days in the park.I dream of a queer living room with a kitchen and two offices above a sex and trans gear shop, where our queer friends, community and love can through parties, pot lucks, movie nights, networking events. I dream of staying open late on the weekends and renting out other space to other queer orgs so that there is an entire building of queer community organizations.